Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This graph is showing the similarity of the DNA of a normal patient with the DNA of these three patients. Abby and Bob both have 97% similarity and Carol has a 58% similar to normal DNA.
Abby has GTG when the normal is GAG, she has a point mutation. Point mutation is 1 base change. The protein that she should have is GLU but she has VAL. GLU is a positive charged protein and VAL is hydrophobic.
Bob has AAG when the normal is TAG. The protein of it is STOP. The stop means that all the ones after STOP are not there, they do not existent after stop. It is called a truncation mutation.
Carol is the one that looks like it has the most problems. She has ACC when she should has ACT. The reason why everyone after that is messed up is because the T in ACT was deleted. This is called framshift mutation. It shifts everything over one because the T is missing.

Doing this project has helped me learn more about the DNA. About how T turns to U when you are finding the code for the DNA and for the protein. I understand that if your dna is missing one spot or is different in one spot that it could effect your dna in other ways and could cause disease. Not every time your DNA is different doesnt always mean you have a disease it just means you have a bigger chance of having one.